Do you want to learn more about what our parish has to offer? Join us on the weekend of August 26th and 27th after all Masses for our Annual Stewardship Fair. Come visit with representatives from several ministries and fellowship with our parish family. It's a great way to get to know our community and get involved.
Check out our new youth and young adult programs and register for Religious Education. Tuition is $10 per child and no more than $30 per family. Laptops and volunteers will be available to help you complete the online registration.
Participating Ministries
Adult Faith Formation (RCIA)
Altar Society
Cameron Catholic
Catholic Charities
Catholic Daughters
Family Promise
Hispanic Group & Rosary
Homebound Ministry/Hospital Ministry
Knights of Columbus
Liturgical Ministries
Music Ministry/Choir
Prayer Chain
Prison Ministry
Religious Education
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Thrift Shop
Young Adult Ministry/Frassati Society
Youth Ministry
All are welcome! Light refreshments will be served. On Sunday morning, the Knights of Columbus will be serving their pancake breakfast in the St. Mary's cafeteria. The cost is a donation.
Thank you for supporting our parish. Our Lord can never be outdone in generosity. We can't wait to see you there!