The entire Christian life springs forth as a new life in Christ through Baptism. CCC 1254
The entire Christian life springs forth as a new life in Christ through Baptism. CCC 1254
The entire Christian life springs forth as a new life in Christ through Baptism. CCC 1254
The entire Christian life springs forth as a new life in Christ through Baptism. CCC 1254

Marriage & Family Life
Marriage Prep
The time of engagement is a great gift that allows a couple to grow in love and prepare for a lifetime of intimate love. To the extent that a couple invests in their marriage preparation process is the extent that they will feel prepared to live a successful and happy marriage.
According to the US Bishops, there are three key components to preparing well for marriage:
Understanding a vision for authentic Catholic marriage
Learning practical skills to live out the vision
Being surrounded by mentors and peers in a parish that can support the couple
Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage must begin formation at least six months before they plan to marry. Contact the Parish Office to get started. Also see Holy Matrimony
Natural Family Planning
Introductory / Informational Sessions and courses on NFP are offered each month at the Office of Family Life and throughout the Archdiocese. Learn more about “A Way of Life, A Way of Love”, by calling (405) 721-8944 or email Ana Romero ( for the schedule or to make an appointment. NFP is 98/99 % effective in family planning for most couples when taught by a qualified instructor. It is scientific and compatible with the teaching of the Catholic Church. It is easy to learn. Classes are available in the Ovulation Method and Sympto-Thermal methods. Choose the method that is best for you.
Creighton Model
This FertilityCare System is a method of holistic fertility awareness that can benefit women and couples from teens through the menopausal years. This system can provide in-depth information on the most current, effective, and scientific natural system to achieve or avoid pregnancy. Combined with medical care, it can also be used to identify and treat underlying causes of pain, PMS, postpartum depression, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, recurrent miscarriages, infertility, irregular cycles, and more. Visit: Creighton Model
Beloved - Mystery & Meaning of Marriage
So you’ve shared an anniversary or two… or twenty… and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is? What if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage? Beloved explores the spiritual and eternal reality behind “I Do.” Beautifully filmed and featuring acclaimed marriage experts, Beloved speaks to the very heart of every husband and wife, bringing the Sacramental truth and a God-infused love into the everyday challenges of married life.
The Beloved video series which can be viewed on for free using our Parish Code: DFY678
Baptismal Prep
The Baptismal Preparation Ministry reaches out to new parents who request Baptism for their children. It offers an overview of the Sacrament of Baptism and helps parents to understand the responsibility and commitment they are undertaking. Parents, as primary catechists of their children, are impressed upon to understand it is their duty to see to their child’s religious formation, including weekly attendance at Mass.
As you prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism, whether you are a parent or godparent, we recommend viewing the REBORN series which can be viewed on using our Parish Code: DFY678
Struggling in marriage. There's hope. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the Retrouvaille program. The main emphasis of the program is on communication in marriage between husband and wife. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way.
Oklahoma City Retrouvaille: (405)443-3541
Retrouvaille of OKC Brochure
Hurting after Abortion? Experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat. The retreat offers an opportunity to deeply enter into the grieving process and identify the ways your abortion may have affected you. Discussions, spiritual exercises, prayer and reflection are combined with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Memorial Service honoring your child and a Mass of Resurrection. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness and tender compassion.
Both men and women are invited to experience this therapy for the soul. The program is an apostolate of the Catholic Church, but those from other faith backgrounds are welcome to attend. Preregistration is required. There is no cost to attend but space is limited. For more information or to register please call 405-623-3844 or email:
The My House Initiative is aimed at helping Catholics protect their children and families from pornography, develop a deeper understanding of the beauty and sacredness of God’s gift of human sexuality and experience freedom from the effects of pornography.
Protect Your Family
A survey 14-16 year old students indicated that nearly a third of the students had viewed pornography when they were 10 years old or younger. (Psychologies Magazine, Aug. 2010). The good news is there are many helpful resources to protect families from internet pornography including accountability and filtering software. There are many positive and new Catholic resources that help parents have ongoing conversations with their children about God’s beautiful plan for love and sexuality.
7 Steps to Protect Your Family from Pornography
Build a Happier Marriage
Do you want a deep connection with your spouse, both physically and emotionally? Of course you do! That’s why we all got married in the first place! Although every couple desires to be close, many find themselves growing apart. Fortunately, couples do not need to leave intimacy in marriage up to chance. Science, sociology and theology have all given us proven means for couples to not only stay in love, but to allow attraction and romance to mature into an ever-deepening love where the two really do become one!
RECLAiM Sexual Health offers a science-based, Catholic Online Recovery Program and other resources for those who desire to reclaim God's plan for their lives and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors.
I need help overcoming:
- Pornography Use
- Masturbation
- Other Unhealthy Sexual Behavior
The Pastoral Solutions Institute was founded in 1999 as an organization dedicated to providing the resources religiously-committed Catholics need to live more faithful and abundant marriage, family, and personal lives. Since that time, The Pastoral Solutions Institute has become nationally-recognized for its leadership in integrating cutting-edge counseling psychology with solid Catholic theological principles.
The Pastoral Solutions Institute offers a wide variety of resources and professional services intended to help committed Catholics overcome problems like marital conflict, child-rearing problems, depression, anxiety, stress, and the difficulties associated with major life transitions.
They offer tele-counseling, videos, books, and much more!